Hello friends, Change can feel hard. Sometimes change is accompanied by a deep sense of loss. Or we have foreboding, and fear what may come. That’s okay. Natural. Wise, even. Other times, the thought of change feels like a breath of fresh air. A necessary break from what has been. But the reality is? Like it or not, fear it or welcome it, change will always come. As Heraclitus said, millennia ago: “You can’t step in the same river twice.” The river flows. It is always, ever, changing. The seasons change. Our bodies change. Our thinking, hopefully, changes, growing to embrace new information. Climate changes, sometimes because of ordinary time bound occurrences, and other times because of human intervention. Society? Well, some change is accelerated to dizzying speed, while other facets seem to be on endless repeat. What helps with change that feels unsettling, worrisome, or wrong? Our inner states. We can adjust our responses. Rather than being buffeted about by every stray emotion, we can cultivate a steadiness inside. And from that steadiness, we can act. Why am I thinking of all of that this week? Well, there’s the world around us, but mostly, it is because of some fallen tips of a Glorybower bush. The fading fuchsia colored stems and petals lay in stark contrast to the damp grey sidewalk. And at the center of each five pointed pink star, shone round fat jewels in shades of blue and pale gold. Even fallen, even fading, the Glorybower tips were beautiful. Does change worry me? Of course. Despite courting liminal spaces, I actually dislike transitions. And daily, I wish the world we’d built together was a kinder, more sheltering place. But I don’t fear what is to come. Deep inside me, I trust that I—and you—will do our best. Will we make mistakes? Of course. We always do. But still, we can find ways to remind each other of the beauty in ourselves and in this world. Best wishes - Thorn Want a pleasant break from your troubles? I'm part of a cozy ebook bundle! Pay anything from $5-20 (or up) for four to ten books.
Hello friends, While out running errands the other day, I paused to snap a photo of a sticker on a concrete barrier. The sticker read, in bold print, Realize You’re Alive. It seems like a simple injunction, doesn’t it? Too obvious to say out loud. Of course we realize we’re alive! We’re breathing, aren’t we? We’re thinking. Moving through the world… But do we actually pause long enough to feel this? This thing called us, on this planet, rotating in space, living. How often are we sleepwalking...
Hello friends, Since the solstice, I've been starting every morning by lighting candles and stating my intentions. Then I meditate and make a cup of tea. I'm really enjoying this pattern, and am using it to carry me through to the next calendar year. As a matter of fact, I just ordered a Moleskin daily diary as a gift to myself. I plan to write three daily intentions down each morning, plus my writing plans and business tasks for the day as a way to focus both my attention and my intention. I...
Hello friends, Last night, I lit candles in the darkness. This morning, long before sunrise, I did the same. Out loud, I spoke these words, “May we forever be light for each other.” I repeated that phrase three times. A prayer. An incantation. A spell. A call for hope. Today is the Solstice. For me, it is winter. For those in the southern hemisphere, summer. The ancients thought that on solstice, the sun stood still in the sky before changing direction. That is literally what solstice means....