Hello Friends, Years ago, I used to boast that the only times I’d been to Las Vegas were while passing through en route to protest at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. I can’t say that anymore. These days, I go to Vegas far more often than I ever wanted to, which was never. I don’t go to shows while there. I don’t gamble. And since my brain injury, I don’t even drink alcohol. Also, I’m an introvert who dislikes crowds and noise, cigarette smoke, and desert air. I know some people love it, but for me—physically and psychically—Vegas is brutal. So why do I go? I go to hang out with writers, sometimes to talk craft, and other times, business. I go to Vegas to step past the edges of my comfort zone. Vegas is a massive shift away from my usual writerly life. It's a hostile-to-me environment where I talk to strangers and old friends, and stretch myself to learn something new. This past week, I masked up and attended Author Nation with nine hundred other writers. I moderated an LGBTQ panel, sat on a Kickstarter panel, took notes during session after session, and had many conversations in the hallways, on walks, and over meals. I learned a lot that I plan to sift through over the next several months. And now? I feel exhausted, but inspired and full. And really need to do some laundry. As a result, I don’t have much to say today, but wanted to share some of the photos I snapped while there. I hope you are keeping well and taking care of yourself. I'd also like to know: What takes you out of your comfort zone and helps you learn new things? Best wishes — Thorn There's a new podcast episode! This one with artist, crafter, and witch Raven Edgewalker. Enjoy on your favorite podcast outlet or YouTube. If you listen on iTunes, might you consider leaving a quick review?
Hello friends, We’re in the midst of a glorious false spring here in Portland, Oregon. Crocuses are blooming, and plum trees and daffodils are showing small buds. The air is cool and fresh, the sun shines, and yesterday, a small red finch scoped out the front porch of our 108 year old home, seeing if there’s a good spot to nest. Finches nested on our porch a couple of years in a row a few years back. Seeing that finch lifted my heart. Seeking a place to nest is a sign of hope. There is a...
Hello friends, While on a walking break from the writer’s conference I taught at last weekend, I paused to snap a picture of a wall mural. It was advertising something—toasted English Muffins, I believe—and showed a mountain scene, with trees, lake, and sky, and people entertaining each other with song around a campfire. But besides the incongruity of such a beautiful scene marketing a breakfast bread, it was the message that stopped me: “Wake up to what’s possible.” What's Possible mural by...
Hello friends, We had one of our rare snow days here in Portland, Oregon. When snow arrives here, it stays for a week at the most. This week’s storm lasted for all of twenty-four hours. That sort of snow is a pleasure to walk in, and a pleasure to watch from the warmth and comfort of our 108 year old home. Others are not so fortunate, I know. Before the storm hit, our household contributed to a hotel fund for some folks who live on the street. And, as the temperatures reached freezing in the...