We Can Be Light…

Hello friends,

Last night, I lit candles in the darkness. This morning, long before sunrise, I did the same. Out loud, I spoke these words, “May we forever be light for each other.” I repeated that phrase three times. A prayer. An incantation. A spell. A call for hope.

Today is the Solstice. For me, it is winter. For those in the southern hemisphere, summer. The ancients thought that on solstice, the sun stood still in the sky before changing direction. That is literally what solstice means. Sol sistere. Sun stands still.

There is a reason so many of us hang lights during the darkest months. Since moving further north just under nine years ago, the comprehension of this need has deepened. We need reminders that, in the midst of snow or rain, sun will come again to warm the land.

In times that feel darkest, we need reminders of light.

But here’s the thing: we need the dark. We need space to rest and regroup. Fields need to lay fallow. The animals and insects need to sleep.

And we need to remember that we humans are the ones who can kindle light. Ever since Prometheus stole fire from the Gods, Raven stole the sun, or our ancestors figured out how to set a bow to wood, or strike flint, we have made light.

We can make light now. We can make light for each other. We can offer up our hope, our creativity, and our love.

There's a solstice gift, from me to you, below.

Best wishes - Thorn

As a solstice gift, I made one of my Patreon stories public. It is a second chance gay romance set at this time of year in Gävle, Sweden at Yuletide: A Love That Will Not Burn

Paid subscribers, I hope to see you at our creativity sprints this morning!

T. Thorn Coyle

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